Natural EquationsThe Golden Ratio is intrinsic to Nature itself. It can be observed in the simple forms of flowers, the growth patterns of shells, plants, trees, pine cones, honeycombs and butterflies. From within our own bodies out to our solar system and beyond the geometric order that is this life spirals inward as far as it does outward. This simple but profound geometry has been intentionally used to create the most loved and lasting works of art, architecture and music. It's use is clearly seen in the Egyptian Pyramids, the Parthenon in Greece, Stonehenge on the British Isles, Europe's Gothic Cathedrals, da Vinci's 'Mona Lisa', Botticelli's 'Birth of Venus', Corbusier's 'Modulor' and in the music of Bach, Beethoven, Debussy, Bartoc, Monk. Awareness of these Natural Equations has the potential of creating a grounding balance in the world in which we live. The principle that our integral self is proportional to our local community to our country to our world can be used to bridge divides that have been created by fear of the other and can be healed with the knowledge that we are all one. 1 * 1 * 2 * 3 * 5 * 8 * 13 * 21 *34 * 55 * 89 * 144 * 233 * 377 * 610 * 987 * 1,597 * 2,584 * 4,181 * 6,765 * 10,946 * 17,711 * 28,657 * 46,368 * 75,025 * 121,393 * 196,418 * 317,811 * 514,229 * 832,040 * 1,346,269 * 2,178,309 * 3,524,578 * 5,702,887 * 9,227,465 ... |
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